My 2015 Predictions Reviewed
Written on December 30, 2015
Last year, on Dec 31st, I posted a series of drunken tweets predicting things that I thought would happen in 2015.
I’m going to review my predictions from last year, rate them by accuracy (aside from obvious joke predictions), and you can find my 2016 predictions by looking out for #mitczpredicts2016 on Twitter or just by just clicking here (if you’re reading this before Dec 31, 2015 then you won’t see anything yet).
A new slang term will arise. You’ll hate it. Then use it ironically. Then use it all the time #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I’m calling this one a success. The phrase “Netflix and Chill” first hit the collective conscience — according to Google Trends data — in May 2015. I heard people whine about its usage early on, but those whines seem to have died down and now it’s just “a thing we say”, even if does ruin the not-so-subtle intention of actually chilling with Netflix.
A huge celebrity will die unexpectedly. And everyone will pretend they never talked shit about them #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
There weren’t a LOT of famous deaths this year. Very few, if any, of what you’d call a “huge celebrity”. Robert Loggia? Kinda. Leonard Nimoy? I’ll allow it. Scott Weiland and Lemmy? Hardly. That said, out of the 4 of those, people didn’t really talk mad shit on any them prior to their deaths. I talked shit on Scott Weiland, and I’ll probably continue doing so. I don’t mean to sound callous, he just wasn’t terribly important to me. I liked STP’s “Core”, I thought “Purple” had one good song, and everything after that sounded like a pathetic attempt to stay relevant. Velvet Revolver, despite the lineup, was fucking terrible. I didn’t hear his last band cause… well, as I said, Scott Weiland just isn’t terribly important to me. This is now the longest period of time I’ve spent talking about him. May his family find peace and comfort.
Your resolutions will sound SUPER serious on the 1st, fade by the 15th and be forgotten by the 31st #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
How the hell am I supposed to know if this was true? I can’t even remember if I had ANY New Year’s Resolutions, so if I did, this tweet was at least true for me.
I will release a whole new comedy album, and sell it online. You might even enjoy it #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I did nothing of the sort. I’m sorry. I really wanted to, but… man the year goes by quick. If I don’t get it done in 2016, I’ll be very upset with myself.
Florida will do something stupid again. And we’ll forgive them, cause we’re stupid too. #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I mean, with things like the Twitter feed @_FloridaMan, this one’s kinda always true. But they didn’t have any world-famous fuck-ups this year, did they?
At least one Republican nominee will do something fucking insane and be dropped from the race #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Just about every thing Donald Trump has said or done in this race has been fucking insane, but he hasn’t been dropped. Maybe in 2016, all the leading candidates will be caught on camera in a gay group butt-train orgy, while wearing Nazi uniforms. That might be fun.
You will be sick of hearing about 2016 presidential nominee predictions by.. around May #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
You’re sick of ’em all by NOW, though, right?
We'll argue about gun control after another preventable massacre, but nothing will change #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
That said, this one was WAY too easy. Of fucking course that happened. Guess what? It’ll happen once per quarter in 2016, too. And 2017. And 2018…
I will continue to drift further away from having my finger on the pulse of "cool", and be confused even more #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
How am I supposed to know if I’ve drifted out of the finger-on-the-pulse? I probably did, even more so, cause I’m another year older.
Something that seems weird in February will be perfectly normal to you by October #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I think those not-a-hoverboard-but-we’re-calling-them-hoverboards kinda count. I don’t know if they’re “perfectly normal”, but you’re not running around going “WTF IS THAT THING?” anymore. I hope.
The Green Party will nominate Kale as their 2016 candidate #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Kim Jong Un will lose his favorite hat. We won't hear about it, but we'll… like.. FEEL it, y'know? #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I’m a comedian. I make jokes. The aforementioned tweets were examples of what I consider a joke.
I will semi-jokingly refer to at least 4 different women I'm crushing on as "my wife", without ever asking them out #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Ahh… success by failure. I still carry on this fine tradition of calling near-strangers my wife.
I will resolve to tweet funny things more often, but then get way too self-critical to post anything for weeks on end #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Another success by failure. Though, in my defense, I did write 120 g’damn stories for you people. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!
I promise you, we WILL have a nationwide conversation about pubic hair this year #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
This was mostly a joke tweet, but wouldn’t it have been fascinating? Don’t act like you weren’t kinda looking forward to talking to your gram-grams about Vajazzling.
Facebook will do something super-creepy with your privacy, then apologize #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
You may have forgotten that Facebook announced the “Internet.org” initiative, in an attempt to bring free internet service to areas without access to such things. It was riddled with privacy issues. There was a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scandal where someone figured out how to read Facebook’s location tracking data. Then, there was the time they said “hey we can recognize you from the back of your head“. Some people might also include their “hey, let a loved one manage your Facebook when you’re dead” feature as a creepy privacy violation — but I don’t. Sincerely, I think that’s pretty cool. Even if it DOES mean my friend Alex Mandelberg constantly makes jokes about how excited he is to pretend to be me for a few days when I finally shuffle off this mortal coil. And, yes, I did actually give them that privilege using Facebook’s new feature.
All things considered, however, how do we know they didn’t do a bunch more creepy shit this year that they haven’t mentioned yet?
Who Giada De Laurentiis is dating will be mentioned in casual conversation at least 4 times #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I really thought this was going to be a source of national discussion. She’s single, people! Who is she dating? Does she like late-30s unheard-of comedians with filthy mouths and an oral fixation? Seriously… I’m asking.
You'll finally have the guts to say "ohhh just shut the fuck up" when someone starts talking about their "cleanse" #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I sure hope you did this at least once. Those people need a shaming. And a few actual articles from actual dietitians.
Pippa Middleton will continue to be the only reason to pay attention to the royal family #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Kind of a failure, here, cause I can’t remember the last time anyone mentioned the royal family at any point this year. But, undetermined, because maybe Pippa’s the only reason you’re paying attention to them.
You'll think, at least once, "man… I should get one of those Google Self-Driving Cars" but you won't do it #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Sure, you can’t actually get one yet. But you’ve thought about a future where you could, haven’t you? I’ll bet you have.
Bill Cosby will NOT have a good year, for better or worse #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
Okay, sure, this was an easy one. But literally just today the motherfucker actually went to fucking criminal court for sexual assault. THAT’s a win for humanity, g’damnit. And a win for my predictions.
Star Wars VII will be called "better than the prequels, but they'll never capture the magic and wonder of those first 3" #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I’m glad I was wrong on this one. I mean, I’m certain at least one reviewer said the above quote almost verbatim, but I didn’t see it and it certainly wasn’t the prevailing remark amongst the populace.
I will lose 20 lbs. No I won't. Yes I will. Fuck you both. #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
I didn’t actually weigh myself before that tweet, so I don’t know. I did nothing to try and change that, however. Then again, it was mostly a joke tweet and I flip-flopped because it’s true either way.
Tumblr's gonna get super-upset about something no one noticed. And still only Tumblr will give a shit. #predictions2015
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 31, 2014
This was another “too easy” one. Of COURSE Tumblr got upset about something no one noticed, and only Tumblr gave a shit. It happens at least every 2 weeks, and probably closer to once a week if anything even remotely controversial happens in the mainstream media. I’ll use this opportunity to share one of the best articles I read this year which explains the phenomena perfectly — PETA, Ferguson, Jihad, Doctor Who, rape, and kitten pics : the Toxoplasma of online rage. It’s worth the 10-15 mins it’ll take to read, I promise.
Final Score :
I want to point out that I made one prediction back in August that I didn’t include here, but it was a partial success :
Given Trump's anti-Muslim crusade, I feel like I deserve partial credit on my prediction : https://t.co/1LqMYvgC0T
— Rev. Mitcz (@revmitcz) December 10, 2015