My 2019 Predictions Reviewed
Written on December 30, 2019
I did this in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 because I’m fully okay with showing how wrong I can be (and, mostly, because it’s a fucking hoot), so I’m doing it again this year.
I’m going to review my predictions from last year, rate them by accuracy (aside from obvious joke predictions), and you can find my 2020 predictions by looking out for #mitczpredicts2020 on Twitter or just by just clicking here to see the #mitczpredicts2020 thread.
2019 held quite a few major life events for me (moving out of my old house, my father dying, a few other things) but let’s see how these predictions held up…
So then, onto the #mitczpredicts2019 tweets…
I will end the year living alone #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I live alone now. So, there. One down, let’s move on.
Tumblr will either reverse their stance on porn, or you’ll read about them preparing to shutter the service #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Okay, they didn’t shut down or reverse their porn stance. But, having been bought by Yahoo in 2013 for $1.1 Billion (because I’m still certain Yahoo is some kind of international money laundering front who has failed to ever buy a company and have success with it) – they recently sold to Automattic (makers of WordPress) for, by some reports, as little as $3 Million. That means my prediction was wrong, yes, but also : they’re worth a rounding error of their former valuation.
Out of desperation and lack of options, people will try to make https://t.co/9T9wNZYfeb a thing but it will not become a thing #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Are you thinking “wait, WTF is pillowfort.io?”. Exactly. Okay, okay, so I don’t recall anyone actually trying to make it a thing, but I’m sure some people were.
I’m gonna fuck someone’s mom #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I’m just sayin’ single moms dig dudes in their 40s with a car, a job, and a clean apartment.
I will see at least 4 new (to me) pairs of titties in person #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Private-Viewing-Session titties exceeded my 2018 projections.
One or more of y’all might send me some nudes via DM me or shooting me an email https://t.co/cppANSLWya #mitczpredicts2019 pic.twitter.com/VXFZUiAyPI
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
At least 3 people who follow me, and perhaps saw that tweet, did in fact DM or email me n00ds.
I won’t get into an exclusive relationship with anyone #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
This was an easy thing to avoid. Can’t really say I had offers, but I’ve been far more honest and open with my partners about my solo-poly / ENM lifestyle than ever before and it’s made all of my relationships better for it.
I’ll meet, or at least run into, a previously-unmet-by-me celebrity #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
All I did was hold the door for him, but Kevin Costner and I walked into the same hotel lobby earlier this year. That was kinda neat. Also, Flavor Flav cut in front of me at the gate on our flight from LAX to NYC. I did not try to bother or talk to him in any way, however.
The hot new summer trend? Underboob Mondays! #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Technically, this is a joke tweet. But I’m killin’ these predictions so far, so let’s put this in the failure column. UNDERBOOB MONDAYS 2020!
At least 10 different people will announce their democratic presidential candidacy bid. The drumpster fire will insult all of the ones who have more than 50K twitter followers #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
This a two-parter. And I was right about both. That said, predicting that fucking orange idiot would make shitty comments on twitter about people who are running against him is like predicting rainfall in Seattle.
Super Smash Bros parties will become a thing again #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I attended at least 3, myself. Ah, it’s good to be back.
I’ll officiate another one of my close friends’ weddings #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I was slated to do this, but there was some in-fighting and they decided on a neutral party. That said, over the holidays my now-adult niece said if she ever decides to get married, I should be the one to officiate it. So, that’ll be neat.
One of my close friends will do panel on a talk show that I actually watch #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Okay, I just like to root for my friends sometimes. Sue me.
In tech news, Facebook will fuck up yet again and we’ll keep our accounts open because “well, occasionally, that one friend I barely talk to is on there and it’s nice to catch up” #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Surely you know they decided not to fact-check political ads, right? If that isn’t enough for you, I guarantee you could google “facebook controversy 2019” and find something else they did that you’re not happy about and you’re still keeping that account open. I am, too, because it’s still the only way to invite or be invited to things most of the time. Otherwise, I don’t use it at all, and I wish I could leave it behind.
Twitter will ban a few more nazis, but not nearly enough of them, and then they’ll distract us with some “oh hey we took away the ‘love’ button” thing so we have something else to bitch about #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Twitter didn’t get much hate this year. And, despite reports they might remove the “love” button, they never did. Weirdly, Instagram hid the likes instead. That said, Twitter at least had the fucking spinal cord to disable ALL political ads.
The “is it about attempted date rape, or about a woman trying to adhere to society’s unfair standards of modesty about women” debate around “Baby It’s Cold Outside” will flare up again in December #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I heard a few little remarks here and there, but by and large I think most people decided we have bigger fish to fry than talk about this again. I mean, except for John Legend’s remake, but even that barely made a blip on the radar.
A new “this will make you cry” video will go viral, but then you’ll fondly recall how nothing broke you quite like Batkid’s adventures around San Francisco. Then you’ll cry tears of joy after a Googling reveals he is now CANCER FREE! (which he is) #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I just like reminding people about the whole Batkid thing.
One of your (and/or even my) favorite celebrities will die. I’m sorry in advance #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
What, you didn’t like : Albert Finney, Bob “Super Dave Osborne” Einstein, Carol Channing, Keith Flint (of the band Prodigy), Luke Perry, Peter (Chewbacca) Mayhew, Grumpy Cat, Doris Day, Rutger Hauer, Rip Torn, Ric Ocasek (of The Cars), John Witherspoon, or anyone on this list? I know, this was a little too easy to predict.
Taylor Swift’s apparently superhero PR team will somehow keep her seeming like an untarnished beacon of light despite some shitty thing she’s done that, weirdly, you didn’t hear about #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
When she does something particularly egregious, I hear about it (mostly from watching Philly D on YouTube). But otherwise I don’t really pay attention to her, so probably this didn’t happen? Maybe? I think nothing happened.
The Spice Girls will announce a US tour and you’ll be surprised to find out how many of your friends were secretly in the Spice World fanbase #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
They did not announce a US Tour. It’s funny looking back on these things a year later, I don’t think I heard a single whisper about them at all this year but a year ago today there was a lot of buzz. Did their limited UK tour do well? I can’t imagine it did poorly, but either it’s a lot of work to get them stateside, or it underperformed.
Jeff Goldblum will continue getting sexier #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
He always gets sexier. And I have finally worked out my own method for a Jeff Goldblum impression, and – yes – I have used it in an attempt to make women think I was sexier. And, yes, it usually works.
Jeff Goldblum will have a wave of #metoo accusations #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I’m very glad I was wrong on this one. But, y’know, I figured… play the odds and be the only one who called it.
You’re gonna have an awkward Tinder date and think “maybe Tinder’s not for me” but the next Tinder date will be great #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Tinder remains a weird way to play the lottery with your dating life. But I, for one, still enjoy it.
I won’t be around to review these predictions in 2019. If so, I want you all to know my current Magnus Opus is “The Importance of Self-Loathing” Special Edition w/commentary track (100% serious, that commentary is a gold addition) at https://t.co/2tm4VD5dv0 #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Hey, look, I lived another year. Suck it, 2018 Mitcz!
The drumpster fire’s approval rating will drop below the mid-30s on FiveThirtyEight’s aggregated poll, but it won’t matter because he’ll just tweet out a hand-picked partisan poll instead #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
The lowest their aggregate showed for 2019 was high-30s. But he’s still a giant pile of shit that also uses fake poll data to massage his extremely fragile ego.
This will be the year you do that thing you keep saying you’re gonna do every year.
Go, badass, go! #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Did you, though? You should. C’mon, you only live once. FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD! REGRET NOTHING!
I’ll visit a shrink for the first time since before I was an adult, just to kinda poke at my insides and see where all the fucked-up shit is hiding #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
I did not. I think I should, though. Maybe I’ll figure out my complicated feelings about my recently-deceased father and why I still haven’t cried about him. I do miss him, though.
I will check into the hospital for only the 2nd time in my life, for my 1st-ever surgery. And I will likely post all over my social medias about it #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Again, I did not. One of the doctors I saw in 2018 suggested maybe this was something that I’d need to do. My primary physician said that doctor was clearly a little too scalpel-happy, so this did not come to pass.
our site @zerospacestweet will publish at least 2 new issues of content and they will be awesome #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Fuck yeah, man. We released 002 : SENSE and 003 : EXPLORE in 2019. Just wait til you see what happens in 2020.
You’ll open your heart a bit more this year. You’ll smile at something you used to mock. You won’t drink and drive. You’ll hug a friend who needs it.
And you’ll be alive to read my review of (likely mostly failed) predictions at this time next year #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Look, I don’t know what you did with this year. But you are alive to read this, so a winner is me here.
I will not do as well on these predictions as I did for 2018. Preparing for that in advance, some of these predictions I hope will be wrong #mitczpredicts2019
— Mɪᴛᴄᴢ Mᴀʀᴢᴏɴɪ (@revmitcz) December 31, 2018
Even though this was the first prediction tweet, I saved it for last to avoid spoilers. I nailed 2018, but I think made too many weird predictions for 2019. Still, I’m glad I was wrong about the worst Jeff Goldblum prediction.
Well… almost 50/50 there. I slung enough shit something was bound to stick. Anyway, make sure you’re following me on Twitter to find out what 2020 has in store and be safe out there, kids. I love ya, and I wanna see you back here in 2020!