Long before there was OKCupid, I did all my online dating through a site called Nerve. The site is still around, but they've long since ditched their dating platform. Which is a shame - it was very cheap (I think free for the first few months? I don't recall). Nerve Dating, being run through a site that was mostly artistic and alternative in nature, had a healthy ...

(if you missed Part 1, and/or Part 2, you're gonna be lost) I decided it was time to drop this sports charade. I wasn't enjoying it, I wasn't any good at it, and I was pretty sure I was off the hook with the principal anyway. Over the course of the school year, I was growing my hair out, dressing a little more "who gives a fuck", and trying ...

(If you didn't read Part 1, you're gonna be lost) After the weird shove-match-punch experience, it was still relatively light out and I figured Alan and The Dicks wouldn't be going to the clubhouse so quickly. I grabbed my bike and rode over there, just to see if maybe there was anything in there I could use to fuck them over. When I walked up to the apartment, I could ...

I told this story to some friends on my birthday a few years back, and they still reference it as my "origin story". They seem to think this is how I became who I am today. While I don't think that's necessarily true, I s'pose it has some merit. As our story begins, this is basically what I looked like (about 8 months before this story takes place)...

I started doing comedy in 2002. I won't bore you with the details right now , but my first few shows were at the Irvine Improv. Having taken their comedy classes, the two major perks were : you could get booked for 7-10 mins on one of their amateur nights once a month (even though they had those every week - you had to move up in rank to ...

I've told this story before, on an old bonus episode of Straight Riffin, but it was with colorful commentary from my co-host and our guest that evening. So, perhaps I can tell a shorter version of the story now. For a brief time in early 2001, I worked at a Circle K doing the graveyard shit. It looked quite a lot like this (note the glass door in ...

Yes, I'm that old. Yes, it was fucking unreal. Yes, it was probably not unlike how my parents would've felt seeing The Beatles in their prime. Since the "definitive rock doc" of Kurt Cobain will be released soon, this feels timely. I was about to turn 15. I was a freshman in high school. I had recently made friends with a man I'll refer to throughout these stories ...

When I was in high school, I lived with my mother, her husband, and his daughter Brittany. Fuck using a pseudonym cause this is the only person in the world whose death I actively hope for. She was the worst human I've ever personally known, and I almost wish there was a hell just to know she'll be going there.
Brittany was is a complete trainwreck of a person. The day ...

It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade, I was friends with this lunatic of a person - Ed. He'll feature in quite a few stories I'll tell, but this one is short enough to tell in one piece. One day, Ed and I were dropped off by his mom near a series of stripmalls in Phoenix , for reasons I don't recall. There was a video store nearby, and Ed ...

Back in high school, when I was maybe 16-17 years old, I had this friend Jake who was a bit of a smarmy prick, but he had a knack for introducing me to someone or something new. Through him, I saw Clerks and Mallrats. I first heard LoveLine (with Adam Carolla & Dr Drew). In a roundabout way, he's also why I know how to make websites (which I