(if you missed Part 1, you're gonna be confused) So there I was. In Florida. The plan was in action, only three things left to do : 1. Sign my lease and get my keys 2. Call Porno Joe about the job 3. Move my shit in when the truck arrived I hopped in a cab, and arrived at my new apartment ...

This is a story about the biggest mistake I've ever made. Summer of 2002 - May, to be more exact (I'm glad I keep weird notes to myself for my much older self to discover) - I had just started performing comedy. Not a lot, mind you. Maybe one gig a month, at best. I was working at a fetish porn company as a web designer. I was in the ...

During my 4th and 5th grade years of school, I lived in a house that was a pretty standard 3-bedroom, 2-bath "long house" (as they're called in Phoenix). But it was a pretty big downgrade from the house we'd moved from -- a 4-bedroom, 3-bath with a huge pool, a basketball court, a full garage, and a plot of land that would occupy 3 modern-style track homes in California (maybe ...

As semi-promised, I managed to transcode the full performance I have from Godless at The Nile. This would've been, probably, late 1995. It was before the cod-piece, which means before the Godless photo shoot, and therefore definitely before I turned 18. I may have even been 16 here. I don't know. A few things of note.. I mistakenly wrote that I started out in "a cloak or something", but I forgot ...

Having already told you about my first real body piercing, I figure it's time to discuss my personal favorite body piercing. Don't worry, there are no photos of my dick in this post. It was December, 1998. I'd been hanging out with this guy Kevin, who was a mutual friend of Cheyenne, and who worked at an AM/PM convenience store on the night shift . Now, this was a ...

I'd been planning it for awhile. Spurred on by the reactions I saw when a new kid joined our "crew" in my Sophomore year - James - who had his tongue pierced. All the girls wanted to kiss him. He was somehow instantly sexy, by virtue of a steel bar in his mouth. Not to say that he was unattractive -- but I think the tongue piercing helped. I ...

There might be a few of these "update" style posts throughout this insane project, but they do not count towards the "story a day" goal, so you can ignore these if you wish. That said, I just wanted to kinda meta-blog about how this journey's gone so far, and some things I've learned. First and foremost - holy shitballs the response has ...

In 2004, I moved to Hollywood (from Orange County) with my buddy Nad. It was a pretty small and dingy place, only a window a/c unit, 1 bathroom, two small bedrooms and a tiny little kitchen. The manager of the place was this older gay man that was clearly in over his head as a manager. He didn't seem to know anything about rental laws, ...

(if you missed Part 1, Part 2, and/or Part 3, you're gonna be confused) UPDATE : I've added a video of a full Godless performance right over here, if you're interested. Throughout my Senior year, I continued doing Godless shows, while working on my own band - Terratism - with friends of mine. This didn't really impact my ability to perform with ...

(if you missed Part 1 and/or Part 2, you're gonna be lost) UPDATE : I've added a video of a full Godless performance right over here, if you're interested. Over time, Godless had picked up a pretty good following. The goth kids would come out in full force, and I got to know a few of them and sort of embed myself in the goth ...