Sad Stories

My mom died 10 years ago this September. Cancer. The fucking bastard cancer, I don't even wanna capitalize it. I'm a momma's boy, like just about every other man on this planet, and I'd had many nightmares throughout my life about her dying. In the year leading up to it, knowing she likely wouldn't see another Christmas (her favorite holiday, and also her birthday), I was beside myself with grief ...

As I mentioned in the origin story of Aural Salvation, Crazy J pulled a particularly shithead (bordering on inhuman) move on a grieving family of a semi-famous actor. That family is the one belonging to Matthew McGrory. The name might not sound familiar, but I guarantee you've seen some of his work. As far as I know, I was the last person to interview him before he died ...

As I've mentioned before, my parents divorced around Christmas of my 4th grade year. A few months later, in mid-February, my dad invited my sister and I out to his new place in New Orleans to see and be a part of Mardi Gras. It seems odd to me now that we were able/allowed to get the time off school, and that my mom agreed it was a good idea, ...

This will seem insane. And I'm not a professional psychiatrist (hell, not even an amateur one), so I can't say for certain that the events described herein have little or any bearing on my behavior. But as I can't think of anything else that might have been the case, this is my best guess for why I am the way I am when I get an inkling that a woman is ...

During my 4th and 5th grade years of school, I lived in a house that was a pretty standard 3-bedroom, 2-bath "long house" (as they're called in Phoenix). But it was a pretty big downgrade from the house we'd moved from -- a 4-bedroom, 3-bath with a huge pool, a basketball court, a full garage, and a plot of land that would occupy 3 modern-style track homes in California (maybe ...

It was winter of 2005. I was working for Vivid's web department, which was outsourced to a company in Woodland Hills, CA. I worked on a lean-and-mean team of less than 10 people. I was the only designer left. In addition : we had 2 programmers, 2 managers, 2 affiliate program heads, and another 2 guys whose roles I never quite figured out. I got along well with the whole team, but me and the 2 ...