
I have to take a little break from this insane project for a little bit. Probably only a week. I'm slammed with a lot of work, comedy, and I need a little more social life in me. I've managed to pump out 112 of these bitches nonstop thus far, but it's getting tough to either write enough to pad out a few days in advance or make the time every ...

According to my stats, most stories on this site gather about 70 unique readers a day. The recent 5-part saga about The Craziest Woman I Ever Dated was averaging between 300 and 500 readers per entry. People I hadn't talked to in years were hitting me up. People that I'm 99% sure have never read anything I've ever written were responding. That was quite a rush, but I feel like ...

I'm checking in again to do my semi-monthly update. I'm still overwhelmed by the amount of people who read this shit, and by friends of mine who come up to me to say "hey, I read (insert story here) the other day. That shit was (insert descriptive phrase here)!". According to my Google Analytics, the average user spends almost 5 minutes per visit on my site, and less than 10% of users ...

As semi-promised, I managed to transcode the full performance I have from Godless at The Nile. This would've been, probably, late 1995. It was before the cod-piece, which means before the Godless photo shoot, and therefore definitely before I turned 18. I may have even been 16 here. I don't know. A few things of note.. I mistakenly wrote that I started out in "a cloak or something", but I forgot ...

There might be a few of these "update" style posts throughout this insane project, but they do not count towards the "story a day" goal, so you can ignore these if you wish. That said, I just wanted to kinda meta-blog about how this journey's gone so far, and some things I've learned. First and foremost - holy shitballs the response has ...

As I've stated before, I'm intending to write 365 days worth of stories. Before I embark on this mission, and as a point of reference down the line, I'm going to lay out a few "ground rules" for myself and this blog, and also clear up a few questions before they're even asked. I Will... Attempt to (within my ability/memory/schedule) have a new entry posted ...

When I launched RevMitcz.com way back in 2002, I was barely a comedian. I'd never acted outside of a school play . I wasn't really much of anything to pay attention to. But, I'd been blogging since 2000 (on LiveJournal) and I thought I should just go ahead and put all my blogs on my website. Keeping two blogs going felt silly, so I'd occasionally manually duplicate LJ entries back to my site. Some ...