Filthy Stories

A story that's rarely told, or even discussed by the two of us, is that I remember the day Stoya wanted my opinion on whether or not to do what she calls porn porn. That is to say the whorearchy (short explanation, longer explanation) of "I shoot nude photos, tee hee" vs "I show my pussy in some photos" vs "well, sometimes I've got a ...

In all the stories I've told of dating, or sex, I've never revealed anyone's identity or name. It's not my style. But, this one's different for many reasons. The first of which is that I have explicit permission. Also : she's written about us. And it was later immortalized and illustrated in Heavy Metal magazine. While her story is more poetic and beautiful ...

Embiggen (verb) : to make bigger or more expansive Let me roll back the clock to 2003. I've spoken before about my ill-fated mission to move to NYC by way of Florida, only to backtrack 3 days later. Some might wonder "wait, how did you finance that terrible adventure and not end up broke?". The short answer is : I digitally altered dicks to look larger than humanly possible. The long answer ...

I'll never forget 6/6/6 -- June 6, 2006. Not only is that one of my favorite numbers, but I feel like I rang that shit in properly. I was still doing my show Aural Salvation, I was at a fetish club called HEX, and I was hanging out with a group of circus-act freaks (who were also semi-regular guests of my show) that were doing their brand of ...

It was the night before MLK day, 2005. I remember that, not because I've got such an enriched soul that I track memorial days of fallen human rights activists, but because I didn't have to work the next day - a Monday. I was in Long Beach, visiting some friends of mine (probably having a barbecue party or something). Around 9pm, that shindig was winding down, so I decided ...

I've mentioned before the girl -- Amy -- that I dated for about 2 weeks early in my Sophomore year of high school that checked off a lot of "firsts" for me. This is a story about two more "firsts" with her : my first blowjob, and the first time I went down on a woman. At the time, I lived across the street from the middle school where my ...

I don't know what you ladies said to each other in your younger years as light-natured ribbing. Hell, I'm not even sure if ladies do light-natured ribbing. But for us fellas, the list of jokes when you're young and poking fun at each other is pretty short : you masturbate too much you can't "get" a woman (see #1) your dick is tiny you don't last long in bed you're gay (much more common pre-2000 compared to today) It ...

I was in my Sophomore year Drama class. I overheard the hot, busty blonde girl behind me talking to the girl sitting next to her : "...I mean, I was kinda drunk, so I don't remember but apparently I sucked his dick...". My ears perked up. I turned my head slightly, making it known I heard her. She said "oh my god... did you hear that?". I assured her she needn't be ...

(if you missed Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and/or Part 4, you're gonna be confused) Alan didn't care for my insinuation that he was pretending to be her friend only to swoop in on her during a moment of weakness. He said "despite how offended I am by that, I'm gonna do you a solid here, cause it sounds like she told you a lot ...

In my Junior year of high school, I dated a girl named Summer for a few months. This was before I'd had sex, and -- odd though it may seem now -- I was in no rush to change that. I really liked foreplay-style sex. Oral, fingers, handjobs, licking, biting, even dry-humping. I still love all of that, sometimes even more than sex itself (depending on the partner). Summer and ...