The LSD Chronicles

It was another crazy night at Kevin's place. Cheyenne and I split the cost of a full sheet of LSD, so I was big pimpin' as the provider of the fry. It was a nice feeling to not have to worry about actually procuring acid any time I wanted it, and it was really good acid. It was called "Mad Hatter", and the blotter art was comprised of miniature ...

(if you missed Part 1, you're gonna be confused) I was so relaxed and filled with euphoria and a sense of purpose in the world when the loud bang echoed through the air. It almost felt like it shook the apartment, like a tiny little earthquake. I immediately jumped up, ran out to the living room and saw... very few people in there. Maybe 10, in total. I said "where ...

A funny thing can happen when you're on LSD. You're on it for so many hours that it starts to just feel "normal". Like, you kinda think "man, I've crossed over -- this is my life now. This is how my brain works now". It's not a scary feeling -- unless you're a paranoid person, I suppose -- it's more of a euphoric feeling. You've got tingles all over ...

During the time I lived in my first apartment, after Tammy had moved out, I invited my close friend and band member Trevor to live with me. Jennifer was ecstatic to get her own room for a change. This came about when Jennifer went to stay at Trevor's place while he was housesitting, and then Tammy's boyfriend - John - was unable to pay the rent one evening and ...

I recently visited Phoenix for my nephew's 4th birthday. While there, my sister told me she's been reading these stories. While I'm flattered and our mom would be so proud we get along as well as we do, I don't think she's gonna love this story. So, Meredith : I apologize for all of that which I'm about to describe. In late 1997, just before I turned 19, just after ...

I've touched on "tips for taking LSD" before, but here's my personal favorite tip : if you smoke some weed just after you drop acid, you'll transition nice and smooth from "high" to "tripping balls". It's a technique I've used many times, and I recommend it highly. I was at Kevin's apartment, which was becoming a pretty regular LSD hangout spot (a "fry pad", ...

Sometimes, the hardest part about taking LSD is finding LSD in the first place. I've lost count how many hours and sometimes entire weekends I wasted just trying to track down a solid source. A few times, I (or a friend of mine) would "score" only for us to later figure out 2 hours into an attempt to fry that we were sold "bunk shit". After all, blotter paper looks the ...

In my first apartment, when I was 19, we had quite a few LSD parties. Some of them were epic, others were a disaster. Such is the way when you're inviting way too many people into a 2-bedroom apartment to lie around in the dark and "expand their mind". My roommate at the time - Jim, the lead singer of a local band - didn't like doing acid. He preferred ...

It was me, Eric, and Steve. Eric had done acid once before, so he was playing the "expert on this shit" card. That said, I'm glad we weren't all first-timers. It's good to have someone around who can bring you back to reality and say "I know, it's all very weird - but you're just trippin', and everything's fine". Before you actually take acid, you might get some ideas about what's ...