Funny Stories

(if you missed Part 1, you’re gonna be confused) Probably the number one thing I miss about living in the heart of Hollywood is being able to walk to giant events and goings-on around me. It makes you feel pretty g'damn awesome when you can just walk out your door and go to the most famous movie theatre in the world just to see a matinee. Or to the Pantages to ...

One of the fun, albeit sometimes weird, things about living in a Big City -- especially one with such an entertainment-based economy as Los Angeles -- is that opportunities will fall into your lap in the strangest of ways, and there's a constant test of your willingness to go along with them. Behind Door Number One is "this thing some guy offered and you're not even sure if you'll ...

I haven't done a lot of drugs in my life. Or, maybe I've done a sizable amount, but not a lot of different types of drugs. Here's a short list of every drug I've done (recreationally, I'm not gonna count painkillers I've taken as part of dental surgery and shit) : cigarettes marijuana alcohol LSD shrooms ecstacy ketamine paxil See? A pretty short list, all things considered. Now, sure, some of those entries number in the 100s of uses each ...

I've made reference in the past to the first time I smoked weed, but I didn't go into detail -- nor did I talk about the first time I actually got high. If you've (for some strange reason) never done drugs, this might seem strange to you that they're two separate events. Over the course of many crazy late nights partying on the Denny's lawn, I came to know ...

If you were a dark and brooding teenager in the mid-late 90s, you were riding a pretty sweet wave when it came to music. The king, almost the PT Barnum if you will, was Trent Reznor. There were several great Nine Inch Nails (NIN) records : Pretty Hate Machine, Broken , and a tour and duet with David Bowie. If that wasn't enough, Reznor had his own label -- Nothing Records -- ...

I've mentioned, many times before, that my mom was not only a middle-school Drama teacher but that she also helped run a summer youth drama camp. The name of the camp (or is it "company" cause it's, like, play related?) was "Greasepaint", and it was founded by -- and predominantly run by -- a lady named Wendy. I just Googled "greasepaint phoenix wendy" and, sure enough, I had the right ...

There are some personal jokes you'll have with people you've known for years that take a long time to explain. And there's some things you did as a younger person that older you looks back on and thinks "jesus, I was fucking insane". This story incorporates both. When I started high school, I was living in a house across from the middle school where my mom worked. The previous owners ...

As a man, as some of you might know, your dick and your brain only seem to work together when The Dick wants it. But, if The Dick wants to just get hard for no fucking reason whatsoever, well... goddamnit, The Dick's gonna do what it's gonna do and your brain's gonna have to try and run a slideshow of naked grandmothers in your head and hope for the best. Usually, The ...

I wish I could remember how I met Shaun. He was a year ahead of me in school, entering his first year of high school before I entered the 8th grade. I remember we only hung out after school - even when we both went to the same high school, I almost never saw him. He was big into acting and singing and drama class, and I - being ...

In my Junior year of high school, I dated a girl named Summer for a few months. This was before I'd had sex, and -- odd though it may seem now -- I was in no rush to change that. I really liked foreplay-style sex. Oral, fingers, handjobs, licking, biting, even dry-humping. I still love all of that, sometimes even more than sex itself (depending on the partner). Summer and ...