Continuing in a series of posts about Aural Salvation (I'll be doing one more post tomorrow, then getting into other stories before I return to these), in October 2005 I had found out about an upcoming little alt-porn site called GodsGirls.com that was getting flack from the Suicide Girls website. I found this out because, in the MySpace days, you'd see hot chicks promoting all kinds of weird shit on ...

In the first few weeks (maybe 2 months, actually) of Aural Salvation, I had to fulfill the interview obligations of my former co-host : Crazy J. Since I'd taken over his time slot and was, ostensibly, covering the same genre of music, bands who'd been expecting an interview with the station -- MusicPlusTV.com -- for whom I was hosting a show. I've known, and encountered, quite a few people in my life who ...

As I mentioned in the origin story of Aural Salvation, Crazy J pulled a particularly shithead (bordering on inhuman) move on a grieving family of a semi-famous actor. That family is the one belonging to Matthew McGrory. The name might not sound familiar, but I guarantee you've seen some of his work. As far as I know, I was the last person to interview him before he died ...

There are some stories that, if I broke them up into serial stories, would end up being 20+ parts long. That's just silly. So, I'm doing some stories as sub-sets of other stories. This is one such story. Some people who read this blog, and who have patiently (and sometimes inexplicably) followed my "career" for many years, may remember a little internet-based TV show I used to write/host called Aural ...

(if you missed Part 1, you're gonna be confused) The conditions of my suspension were that I would be held accountable for all missed schoolwork, which I was to turn in upon my return to school. To facilitate this, my mom would swing by the school every few days and pick up assignments from my teachers. Because my mom was busy running classes of her own, there was no ...

I realize that, reading through some of these stories of my younger self, it might come off like I've been trying absolve myself of guilt and that I just conveniently "didn't know any better" when it came to the ability to fly, or nazi history, or semi-adult stories spit out from a vending machine, or things like that. I promise I'm just that dumb. Or, at best, ...

In my Sophomore year of high school, I was the first amongst my close group of friends to get a driver's license, and -- more importantly -- the first whose mom would actually lend out the car to them. Early on, I'd just pick up Nad and a few other friends, and we'd drive around throughout the early evening Phoenix streets with no particular place to go. Just ...

Growing up, I never recall the "girls have cooties" feeling. Even in preschool, I'd try have my "nap time" near a cute girl in the class. I'm not sure if -- in actuality -- no one thought "girls have cooties", and just pretended to think that so they weren't ridiculed. Which is what I did - fake it, keep up appearances, hide in plain sight. In 4th grade, there was this ...

When I was a kid playing little league baseball, we didn't have all the fancy things like "attention", and "genuine public interest", and certainly not daytime EPSN coverage. Even if your team made it to some kind of top-of-the-heap situation, you were just the best team that year amongst the teams and parents who gave a shit. I genuinely don't remember a single year of playing baseball where anyone ...