(if you missed Part 1, you're gonna be confused) I was so relaxed and filled with euphoria and a sense of purpose in the world when the loud bang echoed through the air. It almost felt like it shook the apartment, like a tiny little earthquake. I immediately jumped up, ran out to the living room and saw... very few people in there. Maybe 10, in total. I said "where ...

A funny thing can happen when you're on LSD. You're on it for so many hours that it starts to just feel "normal". Like, you kinda think "man, I've crossed over -- this is my life now. This is how my brain works now". It's not a scary feeling -- unless you're a paranoid person, I suppose -- it's more of a euphoric feeling. You've got tingles all over ...

I've mentioned, many times before, that my mom was not only a middle-school Drama teacher but that she also helped run a summer youth drama camp. The name of the camp (or is it "company" cause it's, like, play related?) was "Greasepaint", and it was founded by -- and predominantly run by -- a lady named Wendy. I just Googled "greasepaint phoenix wendy" and, sure enough, I had the right ...

It's Mother's Day, which is a day I normally try to ignore. But, on some level, I feel empowered around this time of year. It's nearly impossible to offend me , but the first Mother's Day after my mom died, all the emails and TV ads about "do something special for your mother this year" nearly made me cry every time. I had to ignore that and power through because it's ...

I was in my Sophomore year Drama class. I overheard the hot, busty blonde girl behind me talking to the girl sitting next to her : "...I mean, I was kinda drunk, so I don't remember but apparently I sucked his dick...". My ears perked up. I turned my head slightly, making it known I heard her. She said "oh my god... did you hear that?". I assured her she needn't be ...

There are some personal jokes you'll have with people you've known for years that take a long time to explain. And there's some things you did as a younger person that older you looks back on and thinks "jesus, I was fucking insane". This story incorporates both. When I started high school, I was living in a house across from the middle school where my mom worked. The previous owners ...

According to my stats, most stories on this site gather about 70 unique readers a day. The recent 5-part saga about The Craziest Woman I Ever Dated was averaging between 300 and 500 readers per entry. People I hadn't talked to in years were hitting me up. People that I'm 99% sure have never read anything I've ever written were responding. That was quite a rush, but I feel like ...

(if you missed Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and/or Part 4, you're gonna be confused) Alan didn't care for my insinuation that he was pretending to be her friend only to swoop in on her during a moment of weakness. He said "despite how offended I am by that, I'm gonna do you a solid here, cause it sounds like she told you a lot ...

(If you missed Part 1, Part 2, and/or Part 3, you're gonna be confused) I really didn't intend to hook up with my Canadian friend -- let's call her Natalie. I didn't think that option was even on the table, frankly. She came to town and wanted to hang out. So, we hung out at my place and watched Napoleon Dynamite which was -- at the time -- still relatively ...

(If you missed Part 1 and/or Part 2, you're gonna be confused) A few weeks after our wild first weekend, I had a cold and she picked me up and said she wanted to take care of me. She made soup, jerked me off, tucked me into bed. That's a wonderful way to take care of a man. She said she was really falling for me, and I ...