I've touched on "tips for taking LSD" before, but here's my personal favorite tip : if you smoke some weed just after you drop acid, you'll transition nice and smooth from "high" to "tripping balls". It's a technique I've used many times, and I recommend it highly. I was at Kevin's apartment, which was becoming a pretty regular LSD hangout spot (a "fry pad", ...

(if you missed Part 1 or Part 2, you're gonna be confused) On the drive back from picking up Kevin, it was difficult to get answers. He was still a little bit fucked up, even after the "buzz kill" of watching friends get arrested in his ride home, and realizing they collectively lost $6500 worth of ...

(if you missed Part 1, you're gonna be confused) So I sent Janice off with Kevin, into the wild of late-night raves in the middle of the desert between Phoenix and Tucson. They were carrying roughly $6500 worth of product with them, plus they each had a pager. What could possibly go wrong? Turns out : pretty much everything. There was this guy Brandon. Complete ...

It's important, in life, to have a few Scumbag Friends . People you can go to when you have a terrible idea that's also illegal, who can guide you along the way, and don't pass judgment. I had quite a few Scumbag Friends in Phoenix, especially towards the end of my time there, but none so insane as Joey. This is a kid who once vowed to spend an entire week ...

I went to two different high schools during my high school career. As I've said before, I've averaged a move every 18 months of my life. We moved from the Horizon High School district to the Paradise Valley High School district around the time I started Sophomore year, but I decided to switch to PVHS after the first quarter of my Junior Year. More of my current hangout crew was ...

I've mentioned before that I played a lot of different sports as a kid. When I lived in a house near this giant park called Roadrunner Park, they had a fishing lake, a BMX track, 3 baseball fields, a soccer field, 4 tennis courts, a football field, and 3 pools. The only ones I didn't use in some kind of organized ...

They say with every failure comes a lesson. I've learned a lot of lessons. Some of them more than once. I'm a self-learning kind of person. I've taught myself, through many years of trial and error, how to do all sorts of things that require actual schooling and degrees to learn properly. I don't let "having no fucking clue about something" hold me back from just going for it, provided that ...

It was August, 1991. I was 12 years old. It was at the tail-end of the summer mentioned in An Origin Story (of sorts). My memory isn't so fantastic that I can recall actual months and years this far out but, since this story hinges on the morning of the release of Metallica's Metallica, I looked up the date. My father ...

Sometimes, the hardest part about taking LSD is finding LSD in the first place. I've lost count how many hours and sometimes entire weekends I wasted just trying to track down a solid source. A few times, I (or a friend of mine) would "score" only for us to later figure out 2 hours into an attempt to fry that we were sold "bunk shit". After all, blotter paper looks the ...

I must have been about 8 years old. It was the night before Easter Sunday and my sister and I were watching The Tale of The Bunny Picnic. It's important to note that my mom loved holidays. Christmas was her fuckin' jam, but she got excited about all holidays. She'd even make little leprechaun dolls for St Patty's Day. So, Easter was kind of a big deal around our house. We ...